Samantha’s Case Part 11

My last blog came in February about my research on Samantha’s case…well unless you include the fill-in the gap stories I do and the podcast blog and the videos blog I did to keep everything together in one place.

As most of you know, there was some remains found back in March. I found out about it the Sunday before it broke the news on Tuesday. It was part of a skull found. I’ve also been told more was found, but it’s never been public and I can’t say for certain if it’s true or not.

Anyways the remains were found on Defoe Rd…this road comes off of German Ridge Rd and guess what? The remains were found about a mile from where Samantha’s car was found so you can figure that most people were going crazy that it’s her.


My interest in the matter really peaked as well and I was interested to find out more on the event because this could be huge! Samantha and her family finally having closure. A proper burial. The ending they all deserve.

Chad had ignored my last couple letters and I decided to write him again right after the remains were found to get his opinion on it.

“I am sitting here in shock right now after reading your letter about remains found. I hadn’t heard anything. The B.O.P shut down all the prisons due to that virus. Can you send me the articles, map of where this is? I need to see it. When they found Alice it took around 3 months to confirm it was her, but it only takes days. When they take the whole 3 months it’s usually the person they think it is.”

All I could do was think on what he had to say about this. He didn’t really answer the question here, but he would continue on.

“I’m just blowed away and going through every emotion right now. It’s crazy because I’ve been telling my attorneys something wasn’t right with me for the last 2 months. I just felt it, I even wrote letters about it and a poem. WTF?”

This part made me question is he thinking this is truly her??? Is it finally over?

“I’m so happy for the Burns family. I only wanted to make sure they at least had that much closure if you can call it that. Please keep me updated. I’m calling my investigator tonight and will put him to work finding out all he can and I’ll update you as well ok??”

He would continue to on to finish out the letter.

“I’m sitting here trying to picture this road you say they found her on. Is it near the railroad tracks, was it a ravine she was found in ETC…”

I can’t fully remember what I said in my letter to him, but I am positive I never claimed it to be her. I basically told him what I knew about remains being found, the area, how close to her vehicle, etc…Is this a clue into anything? From the outside looking in it does all seem to add up, or does it?

Samantha’s Case Part 11

YouTube Videos: Samantha’s Case

This blog post is just to put all the videos I find that surround the case. None of the videos are in exact order.

YouTube Videos: Samantha’s Case

Killer’s Crawlspace Podcast: Samantha’s Case


This blog post is just to keep our podcast episodes we do on her case together so it will be easier for people to find. As you can tell the links to the other blogs I have done over the years are listed above. Below are podbean links, you can listen to the podcast on stitcher, itunes, spotify and many others areas.

As you can tell in episode 107 and 108 that I cover Beth’s story again, but this time over the phone instead of her writing it up in the blog like she did back in 2017 (Part 5.5)

Episode 107: Beth Mcguffin’s Story Part 1 (Samantha Burns)

Episode 108: Beth Mcguffin’s Story Part 2 (Samantha Burns)

Episode 109: Brandon Basham’s 2015 Appeal (Samantha Burns)


Killer’s Crawlspace Podcast: Samantha’s Case

When Brandon Met Chad (Samantha’s Case 10.5)

download (1)

In April 2002, Chad would begin dating an exotic dancer named Veronica Evans. They would marry in June 2002. Chad would support his family like he always had by breaking into cars and stealing. We all know Chad grew up in the Huntington area. Anyways Chad would become violent with his wife like he had with other women in his life.

On August 25, 2002, Chad would tell his wife to use a stolen credit card to buy a necklace at a Wal-Mart in Kentucky. Once she got into the store, she would report to the police that Chad was in the parking lot with a gun and that she was afraid he would kill. The police would respond and search the vehicle to find the gun and stolen items that Chad had acquired. Both of them would be arrested and sent to Hopkins County Detention Center and her little boy would be put in foster care.

Two days later, Veronica would agree to talk and would eventually be released from the detention center. Once their home was searched, Chad would be charged with twelve counts of credit card fraud in Hopkins County, Kentucky.

Now enters Brandon, he had been housed at the Hopkins County Detention Center on bad check chargers for over a year at the time Chad arrived in August 2002.


According to some guards at the jail, Brandon was disruptive, annoying and would pester other inmates. This would cause Brandon to be reassigned cellmates regularly just to protect him from the other inmates. In October 2002, Chad would be assigned to be Brandon’s new cellmate.

We know somewhere between November 1st and before they escaped on the 4th…the date I have seen is the 3rd, but anyways Chad would be served an indictment charging him with first degree abuse of a child aged 12 years or younger (Veronica’s son)…if we look at this, do you believe this is the reason they escaped or was it already in the works for the past month they had been together?

From what I have gathered is Brandon has stated Chad had told him he had money, cars and women on the outside…all Chad needed was Brandon because he knew Kentucky better than he did since Brandon was from Kentucky.

I had a gentleman message me back in July 2019. He had been a C/O in Tennessee when Chad was there around 1997-1998. He said Chad had told him about he had been mistaken as the Oklahoma Bomber. He said he had a gun hidden up in a tree in the Smokeys and the gun had a pearl handle if he wanted to get it himself. Guess what else he told this C/O??? He talked a lot about having money, cars, drugs and strippers on the outside.

My personal opinion is Chad told the same stories to anyone and everyone that would listen. I feel Brandon was just one of possibly many that believed these stories of all this stuff he had on the outside.

Anyways on November 4th, Chad and Brandon would be released by a C/O around 6:30pm into an outdoor recreation area. It was stated that same C/O had to give medication to other inmates and when she had returned around 8pm to check on Chad and Brandon, they had vanished. They had escaped from the Detention Center through a ceiling of the recreation area by using a rope made out of blankets and sheets.


When Brandon Met Chad (Samantha’s Case 10.5)

Samantha’s Case Part 10

Where do we draw the line at Buffalo Creek site? Do we continue to believe Chad on if Samantha was buried there? Where do we draw the line? I thought I had drew the line awhile back because that site has been searched, but at times I wonder if the wrong area of Buffalo Creek was searched.

The searches occurred before I began writing Chad and I’m not sure on all of the areas that was looked at, I just know more of the general areas searched. I’m not bashing anyone so don’t get that idea in your head, Chad’s directions are very confusing at times. It took almost seven years to find Alice…here we are going on eighteen years and no sign of Samantha’s remains.

One thing I do every so often is go over old notes and do google searches just to see if anything new has popped up on Samantha’s case. I’ve done this for the past six years and I will continue to do it until she is found, I hope one day she will be found, like I have stated numerous times she deserves a proper burial.

Let’s go back to Buffalo Creek…well recently I have spoken to a family member of Chad’s and he mentioned Chad has always told him Lavalette near the railroad tracks. It’s a little over 6 miles from Buffalo Creek so not a real far distance. He also said why did the FBI take him to Lavalette and he showed them the spot where he left her? This question came after I had told him about things Chad has told me. He mentioned Chad had given the law enforcement a map back in the early 2000s of this area.

This individual gives some clues that Chad told him Samantha is next to a tree that had washed out a hole around it, they put her in the washed out hole and carried railroad rocks to cover her grave up about 100 yards from the tracks off of Route 75 in Lavalette. The only landmarks in what Chad gave was the tree with a shovel mark, the railroad tracks and a trash dump by the tracks where they parked and followed the washed out trench to the tree.

I got to thinking more on this…all of this lines up with Buffalo Creek. Buffalo Creek is just off of Route 75, maybe Chad got confused that way and just said Lavalette because that is the last major town he remembered back then? It’s one angle to look at for sure and for some reason this feels accurate to me in a way. I could be wrong on it though and Chad really could mean Lavalette, but the clues all match up to what he has told me and others about Buffalo Creek.



(Pictures are from 2017 of Buffalo Creek from the railroad tracks)


(Pictures from 2014 when I went there)

Is that around 100 yards from the tracks to the V shaped tree you see in the third picture? You can see the tracks in the first picture, which the top two pictures are views from the tracks facing out into this field. I’m sure when these pictures were taken, you might be missing a few feet, but overall this is layout of the area Chad said she was in.


Remember this map from earlier on in the blog? If you look closely you will see the line he draws. It reads: Down in here …The V shaped tree is close to that area in the line he drew.


The picture on the right was taken by an individual in 2017. He had messaged me asking questions about possible trees to look at. The picture to the left is a picture I took from 2014 and this is the same tree I mention above. I’m pretty sure this is the same tree…guess what? The man who messaged me the picture on the right, he said this:

We also found this one little ways down, it gave us all a weird feeling when we got near it.

You got to love going back and reading through old messages because back then that comment didn’t mean anything to me, but now it does because I am wondering if this is the V shaped tree that Chad has said all along…if it is then the question we have to ask ourselves is has it been searched???


Samantha’s Case Part 10

Psychics (Samantha’s Case 9.5)

Do we believe psychics when it comes to them helping out in a true crime case? My opinion is no because I have yet to meet one personally that wows me on the information they provide on a case I am researching. I will say this, I do believe in psychics, but believe the real ones are more uncommon and kind of hide due to all of the fake ones out there. I do appreciate them trying to help because it helps the case gain some attention so there is that…

In 2017, we go back to when Jimmy Hysell’s video surfaced about Samantha being in the backyard of his wife’s home. Everything was crazy for a period of time and in that time I was introduced to some psychics through Facebook. I didn’t really respond to the messages, but read what everyone was saying in the group chat. Some of the things that were said were similar to Samantha’s case, but it was vague, like you could say the same thing in any case and it would make some amount of sense. A lot of people mess up when it comes to psychics by feeding them information they can go off of, I try not to do that because I want to see what they know.


Here is a full reading one gave. I will let you all decide for yourself if any of it is true.

“First, she’s okay. She’s happy and enjoying her “life” now. She had so many hopes and dreams for this realm, but is succeeding in the next. She’s happy. It hurts her that there is suffering here, and that there is so much anguish and she’ll help as much as possible, but she doesn’t have all the necessary answers.

If I didn’t know they were talking about Samantha then I could literally say this exact thing word for word to any female and it would apply to their case. This is to me a vague statement.

“This may mean she was blindfolded or possibly unconscious at the time of her physical passing. She says that she’s “sorry”, she should have listened, she said. Sometimes she was too nice for her own good and this was one of those times. It seems she may have smiled at one of the perps, maybe answered a question “what time is it?” “could you spare change?” etc… She had a friendly disposition, yet cautious. They were able to overwhelm her quickly and without much of a struggle. Did they steal money or credit/debit cards? I ask because she points to heavy hard drug use. There is a woman who knows exactly what happened. She claims to hear a female laughing.”

The first part could be a vague statement because most kidnapping cases will result in being unconscious or blindfolded. From the statement from Chad during his trial, he said they were at the mall looking for unlocked cars when Brandon came with Samantha and her car. Maybe she did answer a simple question Brandon had, or he got her with a gun to take him to where she parked. Everybody I have spoken too said Samantha was friendly, but that is still a vague statement. Which we know they tried getting money out a few ATMs and we know they were on hard drugs. We do know at least three women were connected to the case.

“Who is John? John or Joe? (But I’m pretty sure it’s John)

She’s calling out this name

Heart or chest issues

There is also a man with her, who passed away. He is older than her, but she says they are together.

Also an “A” name Alan or Adam or something that sounds like that.”

 We do know Samantha’s dad is named John, but a quick google search and you can find that. I’m not sure if he has had heart or chest issues though. The man they mention I have no clue who it could be. Are they saying it’s a family member?

“She loves and appreciates all that is done for her. Some sort of ceremony, lanterns or balloons….

Also, someone either married or had a large celebration as a couple. She was there and she is congratulating you.”

 Too me this is vague statement.

“As far as closure:

She wants you to know that she was frightened, but not long. She did not suffer. She was not held captive/tortured long term. One of the men told her that if she handed over money and her car, that she would live. She claims they smelled bad. One is crazy, the other she isn’t sure about. After she gives up any valuables, she’s gagged and then it’s only darkness. She claims her head hurts. She slips in and out of consciousness. She recalls being hot then cold. She’s awakened at one point and it’s quiet. Completely quiet. She can hear water and it’s damp where she is. She’s dirty and cold. She’s dizzy. She slips away again. I do not know exactly where she is, I only know these things.

  1. It’s at the end of a road or path. At the very end and downward (a slope or hill)
  2. There is water, but it’s not a touristy or busy area (although not far from civilization)
  3. There are leaves, sticks and possibly cardboard covering her. Maybe even a small blanket. She is right on the water’s edge. She may have even fallen in our dragged by animals. She can feel moisture, hear the water, and she is wet, but cannot move/run.

**I do not believe this is the area shown on the video you sent me**

Someone had sent her a video of an area that Brandon Basham mentioned to the investigator on the case now. It’s Guyandotte River that flows into the Ohio River, Brandon has always claimed they dumped her in the river. At times you could take this as vague comments, but some may hold some truth to it, it just depends if you want to look that far down into all of it.

“She loves her family very much. She wants you to know she’s okay. “Papa”?? not sure who that is, but I clearly heard that. She is referring now to a birthday or anniversary. She wants you guys to know that she sees.

 Maybe I’ll get more while chatting.”

 Maybe I’ll get more while chatting…that just speaks to me in a wrong way. Overall on this, I feel it’s more vague statements with some parts hitting some facts. I feel it was more luck than anything. You decide and let me know your thoughts.

Psychics (Samantha’s Case 9.5)

Samantha’s Case Part 9

As soon as I opened Chad’s latest letter from December 2019, he wrote this:

Federal Bureau of Prisons

Chadrick Evan Fulks


P.O. Box 474701

Des Maines, IA 50947-0001

Western Union –Same day


Postal Orders –Up to 7 days

Demanding for sure and as I write this blog, I have still not heard back from him even though I responded shortly after. It’s pushing two months, but maybe he doesn’t have any stamps, I am not sure…as you had read from the previous recent blogs, he has wanted money for the files…the files…the files…I’m still not sure what to make of these files he supposedly has. I talked about my thoughts in part 8 about these files. I don’t want to call Chad a liar, but I’ve heard that word thrown about him a lot. I even had someone tell me that he wouldn’t send me these files even if I did send the money. Like I talked about in part 8, you would think he would be able to write down most of this and send me in the regular mail like he used too when we first began talking about the case. I have sent him maps I have drew and sent him google images of locations and he doesn’t respond to them like he used too back in 2014. The question you have to ask yourself is how far will you go to believe an inmate?

“You asked me where I stood on continuing the search for Samantha. Looks, as I’ve told you and everyone else who ever contacted me, I will always do all I can until my last breath which I know is closer now but it takes someone you will search to prove me right and not some who searches to prove me wrong.”

His last breath is closer now…you probably have read the article from October 2019 where the article was called Burns’ murderer seeks execution date. The article consisted of Chad talking about if he was scared of being executed and how he just wanted to get it over with, most people would feel the article focused more on how bad he had it in prison. Which I am sure death row is bad, but we look at the crimes he committed then we understand more on why he is in there.

“There is a big difference between these two ways and you can or could read this in the search for Alice, I fought for 7 years every day here and it took one person who investigated everything I ever said and believed me and the result was the discovery of Alice’s remains in the exact same area that I had told them all along and I know it will be the same for Samantha. The problem I have discovered is no one really wants to devote the time this needs nor the work it will take to find her.”

 This is my sixth year since I began writing Chad and researching the case, I am just a small piece in the overall story since 2002, he claims nobody wants to devote the time…Samantha’s family has along with many others.

“I’ve talked to you about this several times bro. Whoever decided they can do it needs these files and discovery material and they need to read everything and then put it all together with the maps and videos.”

 Like I just wrote earlier in this blog, I have sent him maps I have drew and printouts of different locations and he doesn’t respond to them like he used too. These maps he’s talking about I figure are ones he has drew out which he would be able to do again. I’m not sure how he’d make copies of videos in prison though.

“I’m not looking for praise or anything other than making sure her family is able to lay her to rest. This doesn’t change anything for my case and it’s not why I am keeping on. I do it because it’s the right thing to do and it weighs on my heart deeply. Anyways that’s where I stand and by now you should know how devoted I am, the questions, is are you? There is no wavering from what I’m telling you it will take. It’s either you’re all the way in or you’re not. I’m willing to give you every file and document and video that I have and I wouldn’t just do this for anyone Bruce so that should tell you a lot about me trusting you. I’m not sure what you would have to do to come up with the funds to have these boxes mailed to you, but it’s a must and you have very little time to get them. I am over all of this bullshit and I’m ready to move on to my next journey where I know I’ll once again find peace of mind.”

We know he tried to sale the files to Annie from Serial Spirits Podcast. I have also heard from someone else he tried selling the files to him. I want to say when he dies, his belongings will go to someone in his family to get. My question is do you feel that these files are a meal ticket for him until he dies?


Samantha’s Case Part 9

The Tip (Samantha’s Case Part 8.5)

With Serial Spirits Podcast doing a series on Samantha Burns has really got people talking again about Samantha. If you have not listened to the series, there is a link above with all of the episodes. I am featured on two of them.

If you have listened to their last episode then you this know…on July 13th I received an interesting tip on my Facebook page Killer’s Crawlspace. The tip read:

“I wrote to you before about growing up with Chad Fulks. I was talking with family today about him and the Samantha Burns case. It was mentioned that Beth’s brother Larry (which is now deceased) was saying that Samantha is buried under the DHHR office in Huntington. Supposedly the footers had been poured, but they buried her there before the concrete was poured for the foundation. This rests beside railroad tracks as well as the Buffalo Creek location. I know it’s a long shot, but wanted to see if this has ever been mentioned to you.”


(Anybody that has listened to the episode or read this blog please don’t do anything crazy and trespass).

If you have listened to the latest episode of Serial Spirits Podcast then you know at the time of the episode, not much had been confirmed yet. From everything I have gathered since then is this information has never been heard before by anyone besides where it came from…all I can say is wow because of these reasons.

  • Beth’s brother Larry. Beth is a member of the whole story due to Chad/Brandon staying at her house. The tip came from Larry at some point before his death which he passed away in 2016.
  • The area where the DHHR building is at, through rumors the timeline seems to line up with the building being built around that time frame. From what I have been told, the area used to be a baseball field and such. Annie and Brendan (Serial Spirits) have looked into building permits, but it’s only required to keep the permits for five years.
  • There are railroad tracks in the area and a creek kind of is too. Could Chad maybe misplaced the location and got it confused with Buffalo Creek?

Map 2003.jpg

(This map posted above is from December 2003).

Map 1997.jpg

(This map posted above is from April 1997).

Sadly Google earth doesn’t have anything from 2002…

Anyways the tip has been turned over to the agent that is over Samantha’s case now so all we can do is wait and see where all this leads. I’m no expert and I’m truly only an amateur researcher/investigator in the local WV, but this case has stuck with me since I started researching it back in 2014 and I don’t think it will ever leave me until she is found and even then her memory will always be with me.

The Tip (Samantha’s Case Part 8.5)

Samantha’s Case Part 8

I received another letter from Chad…

“You asked me what I had in my files that weren’t public. This is what I mean, this is 17 years of investigations by myself and 5 of the best private investigators in the country. No one, but me and my legal team has this stuff and it’s why I’m telling you and everyone else how important they are in the search for Samantha, but I’m just overwhelmed and shut down. It’s like the search for Alice again and the boy who cried wolf. I’m tired of being called a liar.”

I’m not saying he is a liar, but he claims he has five of the best private investigators in the country that has worked with him these past seventeen years. I’ll go more into that later in this entry.

“I’ve told you and everyone else that as long as yall search to prove me wrong it will blind you. Now as far as Brandon goes, of course he wants to lead everyone away from Samantha’s remains. Once she is recovered then his story falls to shit. He said I shot her in the head and that’s bullshit so it will prove him wrong. She wasn’t dumped in no damn river!”

This leaves me wondering, I hate hearing how they killed Samantha because she didn’t deserve it, but how would it prove Brandon wrong if her remains are found now?  If she has a gunshot wound to the head, they still won’t be able to tell who killed her. The only thing that will prove him wrong is that she wasn’t dumped in the river likes he claims.

“I’m telling you the truth Bruce and I don’t know how else to show yall that. Do you think it’s easy for me? It’s not bro. I hurt, I feel, I’m still human bro. I feel for these families and I’m doing all I can to help them even while I’m here in the belly of the beast.”

I’m not trying to down him, but he says he’s doing all that he can, but to Annie (Serial Spirits Podcast) and myself he has wanted money to send files he has. I’ll go more into this later in this entry.

Another thing that sticks out to me, yes I know he is human, but does he not realize the pain, loss, stress and every other feeling he has caused for her family these past seventeen years? He’s still alive when Samantha isn’t and I bet she would love to be able to feel these emotions even if they’re bad because then it shows she is still alive…they took that from her back in 2002.

“It’s almost impossible to do this from here and why I have told everyone who ask me this is to get these files. I can send them or scan them on DVD, either way. I understand that you don’t make much $, nor do I and this isn’t for me, but rather to help locate Samantha. I know you the broadcasting and can start a fund to raise the $ for all of these files, I know it can be done and no one is doing it. If I had it and could send it myself I would in a heartbeat! I wouldn’t think twice about it. I’ll work with you all I can, but I have no interest in working with anyone else. I can’t be in the position to where I have to keep repeating the story and reliving it over and over.”

This is where the money aspects comes into this entry and I’ll talk about it more. Annie he wanted over $500 and he told me $421. He claims he doesn’t make a lot of money, but how did he get five of the best private investigators in the country? Who is paying for those five individuals?

“The family deserves closure if that is possible so what do you want to do? I’m willing to give this one last shot with you only if you’re in it 100% and not working to prove me wrong either. I have no doubt we can do this Bruce, didn’t Alice’s remains get recovered in the same damn place I told them she was at for 9 years! Why lie about Samantha Bruce? What is there to gain from it? Really, it only helps to show I’ve told the truth once we locate her and that is a lot so why would I lie about it? That’s not me Bruce and I really think you know this. I passed 3 polygraph test while others refused them.”

How do you take what he says in that part of the letter? I do agree the family more than deserves closure, well what’s left of a closure they can find, I still can’t imagine what these past seventeen years have done to them.

“I want you to be the one to find her Bruce. All these years, thousands of people searching and not finding her, but we can, I know it in my heart and soul. I best stop here as I’m getting myself and hopes up and not even know your response so hurry and get back to me with the answers to this letter. It cost $106.75 to get the box done of maps, files and cadaver dog records of its hits. Witnesses who came forward with information that no one else knew about. This box is really important and you asked about it so it’s up to you.”

It feels like he is a salesman trying to sale something. Yes, I understand to make copies and mail stuff cost money, but there is a free route to take as well. Why not write these hits down and locations in a normal letter? Why not write down the witnesses who came forward with information and send it as a normal letter? Why not send the original maps or try to trace the maps and send in as a regular letter?  I agree with him, I could start a fund and probably raise the money, but say I do and send him the money then I never receive these “important” files.

I’ll leave you with this question, he stated no one, but him and his legal team has all these files so why can’t they send them to the Samantha’s family, me or anyone else that has tried to help locate Samantha?

Samantha’s Case Part 8

Back in Time (Samantha’s Case Part 7.5)

Let’s travel back in time a little in this blog…

A young girl named Sara Owns aged 16 years old would be reported missing on November 12, 2002. She had allegedly borrowed a cell phone from a woman in the Richmond Theater’s restroom to call home. She was hiding from two men who had taken her from the Huntington Mall. This stuck out me during research because of the date; it was so close to when Samantha went missing.

Does she tie into this story? It doesn’t seem likely due Tina/Andrea never mentioned a young girl riding with them after all of them left West Virginia to head to South Carolina, plus I never found where Sara would identify Chad/Brandon taking her. A little more into the disappearance goes as followed.

Sarah was reported missing after she did not return from a job interview Tuesday evening at Huntington Mall Cinema 6. She had taken a TTA bus to the mall and completed the interview. She accepted a ride from two men who were at the mall. She called home on November 15, 2002 and said she was hiding and might have some small injuries.

Another interesting little story I found was on Tuesday, a Barboursville mother reported that a man stole her car with her 8 year old daughter in the backseat. The girl was later discovered in a Huntington parking lot. I don’t think this ties into the case either, but still interesting nonetheless.

The first man Chad/Brandon came in contact with after they escaped from jail in Kentucky was James Hawkins. He stated Brandon held a knife and told him to keep driving. He said Brandon seemed nervous and fidgety and did most of the talking. He said he felt Chad was in control.

“Fulks seemed cruel,” he said. “He didn’t talk much. He was cold-hearted type, but they didn’t hit me or stick me.”

Now let’s talk about a few things concerning Samantha’s case.

Sanya Johnson was a local to German Ridge Road and she would state on Monday night, she was at the intersection around 8pm when she noticed a maroon midsize car and a black pickup truck parked near the entrance to Stowasser’s Road. When she returned to her home around 9pm, the two vehicles were still there. The car was parked in front of the truck and she saw nobody in/around the vehicles.

Mark Kilgore called it in after hearing the explosions. The explosions would be of Samantha’s car.

I’m not sure who was in the two vehicles, but we assume it’s not Tina’s vehicle because her van was green. We’re not sure when those two vehicles left, but we know Samantha’s car wasn’t brought there until after 9 for sure especially since she called at 9:45pm to her house.

A report would come to me back in 2017 after Jimmy’s video. The lady would tell me she was raised around Chad because he only lived a block from her. She claimed he was an evil person. She would tell me something that I’m not sure where to place it in this case. She said they came in her yard on Oakland Ave wanting to trade a red car with a broken window. Brandon was driving the car; she was out raking her leaves and would tell them to go to an auto station. She said they left and the next day it was in the paper about Samantha. She claims it was Samantha’s car, but she claimed happened in the morning, day time, just after her late husband had left for work…All the reports I have read is Samantha met her aunt at the mall around 6:30pm. It’s usually getting dark or is close to dark around that time in November so that’s why it confuses me because in the morning, it would mean Samantha was kidnapped earlier in the way, way earlier in the day and that would point to that when she met her aunt at 6:30pm she was already with them.  I don’t see that until I get proof to change my mind. She would also mention about searching by the state hospital in the area because there is woods right there around it.

Chad would make a statement that really threw me for a loop and he said a local drug dealer saw him, Brandon and Beth on the night of November 11th.  When he told me this, I told him to provide me every location and person they came in contact with while here, but I would never receive that information so it leads me to wondering if this statement is even true. Beth did mention in a message about seeing a guy in a black coat around her shed a few days before Chad/Brandon showed up. If true, could it have been one of them?

Another report I would hear is I assume once they got back to West Virginia after traveling to South Carolina is Chad wanted to do drugs, find women and party. Also was stated he had went to a car dealership to try and trade in Alice’s BMW and it was mentioned he wanted to trade in a gun as well, but the gentleman wouldn’t take either. He said Brandon didn’t say anything while they were together.

Another report I would receive in 2017, a lady would tell me about seeing two men and two women at a Comfort Inn in South Point, Ohio and they were trying to get orange paint off of a black car and would ask her if they had some rags they could use. She said when she described them to the detectives what the gentlemen looked like that it fit Chad/Brandon. She said one of girls fit the description of Samantha while the other looked like Tina. She was told by the desk clerk that he let them all stay in a room that was rented weekly so they weren’t registered in. The clothes she described seeing this Samantha look alike in was not the clothes she was last reported seen in plus the dates she gave me would imply the 9th leading into the 10th. One the vehicle she described as a Honda Civic, they were in Tina’s van. If it happened to be them, then it would have been Andrea as the second woman and not Samantha. I don’t see it being them because if I remember correctly the Inn she mentioned wasn’t even there at the time.

Once Jimmy’s video and posts went viral, a comment would catch a lot of attention from a local man near the Guyandotte area. His story would follow:

“I worked at a Barge company directly across from the Guyandotte boat ramp and I remember when they brought Chad to the boat ramp and supposedly they put her body in the water there at the same time Superior Marine Barge Co. was dredging at the boat ramp so I feel like the crane may have picked her body up, they hauled all the mud to a field there at Superior Marine. I’ve had this on my mind for years; please message me to talk more.”

He would report it to the FBI, but I don’t think he did until 2017. He would talk of seeing some bones as well. Is this true? We do know from local newspapers that Guyandotte River was searched, but mentions times where high water had prevented other attempts with divers. This would be around roughly early December 2002, but nothing would be found.

I read an article back from September 24, 2003 that it was reported the family had been notified that a body had been found in a well less than two miles from where Samantha disappeared. Nobody with the official search team had heard the story. It turned out not to be real, but never could locate where the story came from.

I would stumble upon an interesting message on a forum. The gentleman would state he was locked up in the regional jail for one year after failing a drug test while on home arrest. He had got into a fight that landed him in the hole where he would meet Chad because their cells were right next to each other. He would state Chad would go on and on about how he was the killer of Samantha Burns and that girl from South Carolina and how he was such a bad person. He said Chad would give him details on how he killed her and how he thought that the police would never find her body and that he was going to walk because they didn’t have enough evidence to convict him. I would look up the guy’s name and there was a few in the West Virginia area so I messaged all of them to see if they would reply, a few would and the one I was looking for would as well. He didn’t give me any more information so sadly it was just a dead end.

I talked to one of the investigators in 2017 and he told me Chad didn’t lead them to Alice’s body, but in the general area. He said it was for an example they should have taken a right instead of a left. I would contact a reporter from South Carolina and he would state this:

“What Chad said in the letters led searches to Donavan’s remains, so he was definitely truthful about that. He seemed truthful about the rest as well, but there is no way to know for certain.”

Another inmate would be involved in all of this and that would be David Paul Hammer (co-founder of Brandon had a profile on his site and David would claim Chad told him 4 people knew where Samantha was buried. It was reported Chad got upset over David’s claims and basically would say David was not telling the truth and just trying to lead everyone away from Samantha’s remains. I wrote David back in 2017 and he never responded. I’m not sure what to make of his claims and what he was trying to gain from it, maybe a reduced sentence?

Sadly it seems no matter what rumor that is shared, it always leads to a dead end at some point. We all know it’s been going on 17 years so memory gets blurry and fades away, but one thing we all know is Chad/Brandon knows for sure what they did to Samantha’s remains and they’re either both telling the truth while the other one is not, but the question is which one is telling the truth?

Back in Time (Samantha’s Case Part 7.5)